Many ties begin with either a single-column or a double-column tie or “cuff.” These are bands of rope placed around wrists, ankles, thighs, hips, or other parts of the body that are tied in a way that prevents the bands from tightening and serve as the anchor for the rest of the tie.
There are many different methods and knots used in creating these cuffs, and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. We provide a few options below that tend to be more common, but we don’t mean to imply that these are the “best” options. If you search for “single-column tie,” “double-column tie,” or similar terms, you’ll find many other options.
The important points are that the bands won’t tighten when pulled and that they aren’t too tight around sensitive joints like wrists and ankles.
Below is probably the most common version of the single-column tie in Japanese-inspired rope bondage, presented byWykD Dave.
This is an alternate version of the single-column tie that uses the Somerville bowline knot to secure it. It was initially created by Topologist, but we show WykD Dave‘s version of tying it below.
Below is a common version of the double-column tie, presented by Twisted Monk.
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