Ties: Hip Harness Variations

During the first few classes, we will address any concerns about hip harness variations that you’re practicing. Our initial full suspension work will rely on hip harnesses, and you are encouraged to find at least one harness that works well for you and your partner. It does not need to be one of the harnesses below, but it does need to be a structurally-sound, suspension-worthy harness.

You are strongly encouraged to review the information on nerve compression from Rope 101 with particular attention to the lateral femoral cutaneous, the ilioinguinal, and the iliohypogastric nerves.

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Please do not share this video with anyone outside your cohort. It is provided as a reference for our work together in the course, and it is not intended to be a stand-alone instructional video. Thank you.

Please do not share this video with anyone outside your cohort. It is provided as a reference for our work together in the course, and it is not intended to be a stand-alone instructional video. Thank you.

Please do not share this video with anyone outside your cohort. It is provided as a reference for our work together in the course, and it is not intended to be a stand-alone instructional video. Thank you.
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