
Do you need an account? You might not.

For any of our free/online courses or workshops, you don’t need an account to access the content. However, having an account will let you track your progress by marking various topics and lessons “complete” as you move through a course or workshop.

Are you a student? Let us know when you register.

If you’re a student for any of our in-person instruction, then you should create an account here to gain access to related content and track your progress. Be sure to let us know that you’re a student and what courses or workshops you’re taking so that we know you’re not a spam account and can add you to the correct course(s).

Are you a real person? Help us fight spam!

We ask for you to provide a brief explanation for why you’re registering on this site. This is mainly to help us prevent spam accounts (or to get students added to the correct course). Please provide some information about who you are and why you’re joining so that we can keep spam off this website. Thanks!

Want to keep track of events and updates? Subscribe to the newsletter!

We do not automatically add you to the newsletter when you create an account. Some people don’t want to receive emails and would rather get updates by following us on social media, RSS, or just checking the site now and then. However, if you would like to get emails about events, classes, workshops, and other updates, be sure to subscribe to the newsletter whether or not you create an account.

Only administrators can add new users.