Private Instruction: ValenceB

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Two Quick Disclaimers: First: We don’t claim to be “the authority” in rope. What we share is our best understanding from what we have learned through working with others and through our time together in rope. It’s likely that you will find other information that takes a different approach or perhaps contradicts what we say. We encourage you to explore different perspectives. Second: Our focus is on the natural-fiber approach to rope heavily influenced by the Japanese tradition. However, we don’t view this as the “best” way or the “right” way to do rope. It’s just the way we most enjoy. There are lots of resources out there that explore other approaches to rope, like using synthetic ropes, decorative, western-style bondage, etc.

Thanks for choosing to spend some time studying rope with us. We hope you found at least some of it to be useful in your own practice.

This site allows us to collect resources — our own, or links to others — that we think might be useful and relevant to our time together.

We mentioned these resources in particular:

  • Fuoco’s “All About Shoulders” section inside the free Body Awareness 101 course
  • Kinoko Hajime’s discussion of his 3-rope takatekote (not free) on Shibari Study: Kinoko’s TK3

These are the slides we use for one of our class sessions where we introduce the takatekote. Those slides may be helpful in explaining a bit more of our mention of different types of TKs. They may be a bit obscure without the in-person explanation, but hopefully they provide a few insights (and feel free to send questions).

The TK you’re currently tying is a “T-Shape” TK in the lineage of Akechi / Osada / Kanna / Kinoko. Another popular lineage is the “V-Shape” TK from Nureki and Naka. We mentioned that we tie an “L-Friction” TK with 3 top bands for comfort … that comes mainly through Kazami and the adaptations made by Gorgone and Wykd Dave.

We’re always building new content here, but it takes time, so there were a number of things that we discussed that we don’t have existing online content for. If you have any questions or need help remembering, just ask.

The rest of the content below was created for our courses, but we thought parts of it might be relevant and potentially helpful. If you have any questions about any of the content, or any trouble accessing something, please let us know!

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