Hello! You’ve probably come to this page because someone has applied to one of our courses and listed you as a reference.
We teach classes in rope-bondage art in a small-group setting at a private rope studio. The classes are designed for a serious study of rope and ask participants to attend multiple classes over a period of months, to complete readings and reflections between classes, and to practice regularly each week. You can learn more about those classes here: Rope 201, Rope 301, and Rope 401.
Our primary concern for an applicant is that they are trustworthy and have strong consent practices. Since the classes are held in a small group at a private studio, we need to ensure that the applicant can be trusted to respect the privacy and confidentiality of others and will be conscious and respectful of the desires and limitations of others.
We are also interested in their reliability because they will be working with a group, over an extended period of time, attempting to learn a nuanced and sometimes-complex skill. Both instructors and other participants will expect the applicant to put in their best effort to prepare for each class, to arrive on time so as not to delay the class, and to be present and engaged in the work.
Lastly, if you have any direct experience with or knowledge about the applicant’s experience in or approaches to rope, we would appreciate hearing about that. However, please note that if you don’t have any direct knowledge about the applicant’s rope experience (or don’t feel your own experience provides you enough reference to offer an opinion), it is completely fine to skip this section and that WILL NOT HURT THE APPLICANT’S REFERENCE. For Rope 201, we are mainly concerned that the applicant has enough experience in rope to know they are genuinely interested and looking for an in-depth study. For Rope 301 or Rope 401, we list prerequisites in the course description. If you have any perspectives to offer in relation to those prerequisites, we would appreciate knowing your thoughts.
We would greatly appreciate your honest impression of this person, particularly in regards to their trustworthiness, safety, and consent practices. We will never reveal the content of your response, nor will we indicate which of their various references did or did not respond to this form.