Hello! We are excited to announce that the application is now open for the next round of Rope Study’s Rope 301 Course! The course will be offered September through November of 2023, in Richmond, Virginia. Read on for more info!
Apply Here
If you already know who we are and what we do and you’re ready to apply, you can do so here:
Applications will close on August 13th, 2023!
All complete applications (with references) received before that date will be given equal consideration, so there’s no need to try to “be first.” However, we have very limited space for this course, so if we receive more applications than we have space to accommodate, we will use a random lottery to accept participants from the pool of fully-qualified applications.
What is the Foundations Series?
The primary goals for our Foundations series of courses are: to provide a solid foundation of understanding and skills for students to competently practice rope in a responsible, risk-aware manner; and to bridge the gap between the entry-level rope skills often learned through peer sharing and online resources and the intermediate to advanced skills often expected of those who want to attend rope conferences, workshops, and intensives.
Our hope is that students who complete the Foundation series will be competent, risk-informed, and responsible members of the local rope community who are able to contribute to local learning opportunities and are adequately prepared to take advantage of other educational offerings in order to continue their study of rope.
The series typically consists of three courses: Rope 201 (foundational information and floor work); Rope 301 (focusing on structure, anchors and suspension lines, and working in partial suspension); and Rope 401 (more advanced skills and working in full suspension). However, please note that only Rope 301 is being offered at this time.
What is Rope 301?
Rope 301: Foundations Part 2 – focusing on structure and partial suspension. We take a closer look at how rope works on the body, particularly as it is put under load, and examine the role of structure in harnesses as well as the options bottoms have in how they respond to load in various ties and positions. We also consider how to select anchor points, how to build a variety of suspension points, strategies for attaching up-lines to a tie, and techniques for running, lifting, and locking-off up-lines. We explore concepts of levels, order, timing, movement, and transition, as well as options for various intentions in rope.
We believe this course is useful to any rope practitioner (top or bottom) who has a solid grasp of the foundational concepts of floor work and is interested in adding load to their rope experience. We also believe this course is useful for more experienced practitioners who have been working in partial or full suspension but may have had limited in-person instruction, may not understand the reasoning behind the techniques they use, may be looking to improve their skill and confidence, may want to improve communication and cooperation with partners in rope, or may just want to fill in any gaps they may have missing from their foundation.
What do I have to do to apply?
Four steps, also listed on the Apply page:
- Learn more about us and our offerings to determine if we’re a good fit for your interests and availability
- Complete the application form (before August 13, 2023)
- Submit references if necessary (and ensure references are completed before August 13, 2023)
- Monitor your email for follow-ups and confirmations
When and where are the classes?
Classes are held in a private studio just north of Richmond, VA.
Class sessions for Rope 301 will be from 10am to 1pm on the following dates:
- Class 1: 9/10/2023
- Class 2: 9/17/2023
- Class 3: 10/1/2023
- Class 4: 10/15/2023
- Class 5: 11/5/2023
- Class 6: 11/19/2023
How much does it cost?
The course costs $150/person. (To be clear, the cost includes all 6 classes.)
However, we never want money to be the reason that someone dedicated to the study of rope bondage is not able to learn. If the cost is prohibitive for you, please let us know in the application process. Financial ability is NOT a determining factor for acceptance, and discounted rates and scholarship.
Where do I learn more?
We have a lot of information available on this website. We recommend reading through these pages in particular:
- Home Page
- About Page
- Application Page
- Course Pages: Rope 201, Rope 301, Rope 401
We also welcome questions through our contact form.