Hello! We are excited to announce that we will be resuming the Rope Study Foundations Series of courses in August, 2021.
Apply Here
If you already know who we are and what we do and you’re ready to apply, you can do so here:
Applications will close on July 31, 2021!
All complete applications (with references) received before that date will be given equal consideration, so there’s no need to try to “be first.”
What is the Foundations Series?
The primary goals for our Foundations series of courses are: to provide a solid foundation of understanding and skills for students to competently practice rope in a responsible, risk-aware manner; and to bridge the gap between the entry-level rope skills often learned through peer sharing and online resources and the intermediate to advanced skills often expected of those who want to attend rope conferences, workshops, and intensives.
Our hope is that students who complete the Foundation series will be competent, risk-informed, and responsible members of the local rope community who are able to contribute to local learning opportunities and are adequately prepared to take advantage of other educational offerings in order to continue their study of rope.
The series consists of three courses (each containing 5 class sessions):
- Rope 201: Foundations Part 1 – focusing on fundamentals and floor work … with content that many people who have been tying for a while really need but often don’t realize they need, including lots of “why” behind the construction of harnesses, a focus on good rope control and technique, tips for working together and communicating in rope, understanding the body in rope, and learning active bottoming skills before the risks escalate
- Rope 301: Foundations Part 2 – focusing on advanced floor work and partial suspension … continuing the concepts from 201 and focusing on the essential skills for adding uplines to ties, considering how and why we attach to ties, and the implications for the rope and the body
- Rope 401: Foundations Part 3 – focusing on full suspension and further study into more advanced topics … again building on the skills from 201 and 301, now moving into full suspension and working with positions, timing, levels, order of progression, and transitions with an emphasis on harness or body attachment selection and the experience of the bottom and bottom agency
The courses build on each other and are intended to be taken in sequence.
While we believe taking the courses in sequence is the best option for most people, we do allow students to “skip” earlier courses if they demonstrate they can meet the prerequisites for the course they would like to take.
Please click the links above for more detailed descriptions of each course and its prerequisites.
Why do you have an application process?
We go into detail about why on the application page, but in short, we do this to:
- Make sure we are the right fit for you. The courses require a significant commitment of time and energy and may not fit your current interests.
- Keep everyone safe. The courses are taught at a private rope studio, and we want to take steps to protect the safety and privacy of everyone involved.
- Have enough room. We need to limit the number of participants to make sure there’s enough room for everyone to participate safely.
- Meet the prerequisites. We need to make sure participants meet the prerequisites so that the class can move together at a similar pace.
What do I have to do to apply?
Three steps:
- Learn more about us and our offerings to determine if we’re a good fit for your interests and availability
- Complete the application form (before July 31, 2021)
- Submit references (and ensure references are completed before July 31, 2021)
When and where are the classes?
Classes are held in a private studio just north of Richmond, Virginia.
Here’s the schedule:
Rope 201: Foundations Part 1
- Time: 1pm to 4pm
- Dates: 8/21, 9/18, 10/23, 11/13, 12/11
Rope 301: Foundations Part 2
- Time: 9:30am to 12pm
- Dates: 8/21, 9/18, 10/23, 11/13, 12/11
Rope 401: Foundations Part 3
- Time: 4pm to 6:30pm
- Dates: 8/21, 9/18, 10/23, 11/13, 12/11
How much does it cost?
Each course costs $100/person. (To be clear, the cost includes all 5 classes.)
However, we never want money to be the reason that someone dedicated to the study of rope bondage is not able to learn. If the cost is prohibitive for you, please let us know in the application process. Financial ability is NOT a determining factor for acceptance, and discounted rates and scholarships are available.
A Note about COVID
Instructors for the course have been fully vaccinated, and classes are held in well-ventilated spaces with the option for opening windows for air flow. Therefore (barring any significant changes between now and the start of classes), instructors do not intend to wear masks nor to require others who are vaccinated to wear masks. However, we do intend to follow CDC guidelines, which currently means attendees should be prepared either to provide evidence of vaccination or to wear a mask during classes. (If guidelines change between now and the start of classes in late August, we will revise our expectations accordingly.)
Given the nature of rope practice, there will be no way to prevent close proximity and contact between practice partners. Also, in order to receive the full benefit of in-person instruction, participants should expect some contact with the instructors (within consent and comfort level parameters).
We certainly understand whatever decisions individuals may need to make to best consider their health and the health of others in their lives.
Where do I learn more?
In addition to the information sessions listed above, we have a lot of information available on this website. We recommend reading through these pages in particular:
- Home Page
- About Page
- Application Page
- Course Pages: Rope 201, Rope 301, Rope 401
We also welcome questions through our contact form.