We’ve finally finished adding the insulation and hanging the drywall!
The materials were delivered two weekends ago and left at the end of the driveway, despite our pleading with the delivery person to drive across the yard and leave them by the shed. Company policy. So we dragged and carried everything back to the shed … with help from a friend midway through because drywall is much heavier than we expected!
Last weekend, we masked up and stuffed the place full of insulation. We decided to go with stone wool insulation instead of fiberglass (at the recommendation of another friend), and it did make for an easier and less painful job.
This weekend, Seth–a friend and professional contractor–came to finish the framing and hang the drywall. We were really glad to have him for this part, as we’d never hung drywall before and didn’t want to waste money on bad decisions and errors. We helped where we could (and cut out the windows!), and with his lead, we finished that step in one day.
Next, we start the mudding and sanding process, and once that’s done, painting and floors will be the only two big steps left. We’re excited to be near the end and can’t wait to see people learning and playing in the new space!
Lots of insulation And lots of drywall I said lots, right? It fits! Stuffing the walls A well-stuffed wall Drywall going up! I cut that window! Getting higher Drywall is up!
[Plug: if you live in the central Virginia area and looking for a kink-aware contractor, or if you have a house to renovate, get in touch with Seth through his company Venture Project LLC!]
If you missed it, check out Update 1, Update 2, and Update 3.
Thanks again to the many amazing friends who have donated their time, energy, and other resources to make this shed conversion happen. Also thanks to those who have donated to our GoFundMe Campaign to help off-set the cost of this project. We are very grateful to you all!